Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Food for Thought...

Guest post by Karen Allen

I think we all know that we should be good stewards of the money we have. I also think we all know that we should do our best to save our money. And I think we all know that we should be looking for ways to decrease spending and increase saving. Knowing and doing are two different things, aren't they? It's like me knowing that cramming that donut in my mouth will completely cancel out the 45 minute workout I just did, but choosing to eat that yummy, glazy, circle of sugar anyway. I came across a verse in the Bible that I had never seen before and it spoke to me quite loudly. Matthew 11:19b "But wisdom is proved right by her actions." WOW! Wisdom is knowing what to do AND DOING IT! Knowing I need to really be wise about my spending is great, but unless it translates into action, I've missed what true wisdom really is. So, are you proved right by your actions? Does the wisdom of knowing the need to be a wise steward translate into action for you? Or does it translate into more of the "just knowing"? I challenge and encourage you this week to allow wisdom to be proved right by your actions. Oh, by the way, I did put down that donut! Now that's food for thought!
May God richly bless you,
Karen Allen

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